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Tuesday, 1 March 2016

Bake Your Own Cookies with Mo's Cookie Dough!

Now I would never be one to say I can bake. I'm a out-the-box kinda gal if I'm honest. I am all about easy, quick and as mess free as possible.
I do like to get Elliott involved so the latter is never mess free! 

So when we received Mo's Cookie Dough we were over the moon at the fact we can now have yummy treats without any mess and also no dreaded washing up afterwards! Win win for everyone I'd say. 

Mo's Cookie Dough is an all natural pre-prepared cookie dough using all Scottish ingredients. All you need to do is simply slice the roll of cookie dough, pop on a baking tray and bake in the oven for 10 minutes! It's that simple! Really!!

The cookie dough comes in a chilled box and very well packaged so when we received them they were perfectly chilled ready to be popped into the fridge. They can stay in the fridge for 6 weeks or in the freezer for one year. I'm unsure who would manage to keep them that long as they didn't last a week in our house! 

Once you take the cookie dough out of the packet, you slice it into 1cm thick pieces, pop the slices on to a baking tray - a little apart as they will increase in size - bake at 180C for 8-10 minutes or until they are golden brown. Leave them to cool for a couple of minutes if you can and you will have fresh, warm, gooey cookies straight out the oven! 

This is so my kind of baking, I basically did nothing other than slice some cookie dough and the results were so yummy so as you've guessed they really appealed to me, in fact the appealed to everyone - Jordan enjoyed having freshly baked cookies in less than 10 minutes and Elliott enjoyed testing them! Oh and the fact the whole house smelt amazing while they were baking too.

We tested the Chocolate Chip but they have other flavours too such as oatmeal and raisin and gingerbread! We have already made an order for some more as 2 packets was just not enough. We are looking forward to trying the other flavours too and at £3, you can't complain! 

If you want to find out for yourself visit www.moscookiedough.co.uk 

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We're going on an adventure#ToddlerApprovedTuesdayMummascribbles


  1. I'm a mix and match type person when it comes to cookies. Sometimes I like to bake my own but when I'm on nightshifts, I use cookie dough for quickness. Haven't come across this brand before #TriedTested

  2. Mmmmmm I could eat those right now!! I need to start baking with Sophie. This might be a good way to start.
